A common school for different students. A review of intervention techniques for changing attitudes toward students with functional diversity


  • José Luis Rodríguez-Díez Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Victoria Pérez de Guzmán Universidad Pablo de Olavide


functional diversity, change of attitudes, inclusive school, inclusive techniques


Despite great social advances, people with functional diversity have lower educational attainment levels, lower economic participation and higher rates of poverty. In addition, they are still subjected to stereotypes and prejudices. It is therefore essential to promote a change of attitudes toward this population. Drawing on a descriptive methodology, we convene documental sources to trace the evolution of the concept from the preformist model to the current inclusive model, which we present in greater depth. We discuss persuasion as a strategy for changing attitudes, as well as techniques with better outcomes, in both cases mentioning programs in which such techniques have been used and proven effective. Attitudes can be changed. However, for this change to be effective and durable, it must take place in a planned and structured manner. This review shows how the techniques used for changing attitudes are effective, consistent and inexpensive to implement.

Author Biographies

José Luis Rodríguez-Díez, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Sevilla / España

Victoria Pérez de Guzmán, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Sevilla / España



How to Cite

Rodríguez-Díez, J. L., & Pérez de Guzmán, V. (2017). A common school for different students. A review of intervention techniques for changing attitudes toward students with functional diversity. Tramas/Maepova, 5(1), 79–98. Retrieved from http://revistadelcisen.com/tramasmaepova/index.php/revista/article/view/142