The school gaze. A reading from the affectivity



youth, school, affectivity, gaze, emotions


The intersubjective relationships that take place both inside and outside the school are mediated by the gaze. It is from the observation of those around him that each subject obtains the information that will allow him to make value judgments and decide how to act in the presence of others. At the same time, the identity of young people is built based on the gaze that their peers and the adults around them return. Thus, the subjective constitution is linked to the recognition received from the environment. In this essay we present a series of reflections arising from an extensive research work, in which we propose an analysis of the meanings that students give to the gaze and different types of violence that are linked to it. For this, we recovered the voice of secondary school students in the Province of Buenos Aires obtained through individual and group interviews.

Author Biographies

María Inés Gabbai, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Carina V. Kaplan, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Ciudad Autónomo de Buenos Aires / Argentina

Ezequiel Szapu, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Ciudad Autónomo de Buenos Aires / Argentina



How to Cite

Gabbai, M. I., Kaplan, C. V., & Szapu, E. (2022). The school gaze. A reading from the affectivity. Tramas/Maepova, 10(1), 85–102. Retrieved from