Creative work as an epistemic challenge in educational research



epistemology, creativity, educational research, ethnography, territory


The main objective of this paper is to present the conclusions of the meta-analysis of an action-research experience committed to the transformation of the realisation environment. During the implementation process, texts and documents were read, observations were made, and interviews/conversations were conducted with the main actors. From all this, theoretical reflections were elaborated, which we now submit to public scrutiny in these pages. Among other reasons, because we consider that the process as a whole sets up a different way of generating and disseminating knowledge. A more democratic knowledge that is also less dependent on the canons imposed by certain epistemological models. In short, a knowledge linked to the territoriality from which it emerges and independent of the great patterns that catalogue it and which some authors describe as “decolonised”.

Author Biographies

Donatella Donato, Universitat de València

Valencia/ España

Ángel San Martín, Universitat de València

Valencia/ España



How to Cite

Donato, D., & San Martín, Ángel. (2023). Creative work as an epistemic challenge in educational research. Tramas/Maepova, 11(1), 33–45. Retrieved from