Reconstructing the Hñähñu memory: González Cruz and oraliterature



oralitura, hñähñu, memory, territory, zi do’yo


This article is based on a research that explores works of various literary genres in the Hñähñu language, especially those of the ñähñu writer Juan González. Starting from the premise that writing necessarily arises from the collective consciousness, we analyze how González establishes a polyphonic dialogue with the reconstruction of the Hñähñu memory, exercising a social function in his writing. This research is carried out from the perspective of the so-called oralitura and the archetype of zi do’yo, which allows a study that contextualizes the literary production in the Hñähñu social and linguistic universe, and highlights elements of the aesthetic proposal and the main melodic line of the author: nature. Regarding the reception in literary studies in Mexico and Latin America, this corpus has been little explored. Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct the importance of the cultural context in which the conceptions of these publications are articulated.

Author Biography

Rosa Maqueda-Vicente, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

El Espíritu, Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo/ México



How to Cite

Maqueda-Vicente, R. (2024). Reconstructing the Hñähñu memory: González Cruz and oraliterature. Tramas/Maepova, 12(1), 98–117. Retrieved from