Biographical narrative and motivation learning Why motivation and how to understand it? (Part II)


  • Susana Inés Fernández Universidad Nacional de Salta. Argentina


college, entrance, motivation, school, empowerment, internalization, resistance


The paper, first and second part - is part of the production of CIUNSa Project No. 1748. : “Biographical narrative and motivation for learning. In search of clues to rethink the issue of college entrance." Its aim is to consider the reasons why the research focuses on college entrance as regards motivation and intends to clarify the sense in which we understand the term, taking different bibliographic sources from distinct disciplinary fields. For this purpose, Ana Abramowski’s production is reviewed and analysed. Taking into account her concept of students’ lack of motivation we review the most important ways in the classroom motivational intervention presented by Antonio Huertas and we analyse the difference between internal and external motivation developed by the Russian dialectical psychology. It is based on these conceptualizations, from a complex perspective of knowledge and a socio- historical approach of human psychological development, a definition of motivation that is in relation with the concept of internalization as appropiation and mastery, taking from Bajtin the ideas of authorized word and internally persuasive word that lead to the category of resistance From this analysis, we consider the possible motivational effects of appropiation and mastery of cultural forms and mediation taking Abramowski’s parallelisms between production system and education, taking into account the role of education in the selection of the more suitable subjects for the capitalist economic system.

Author Biography

Susana Inés Fernández, Universidad Nacional de Salta. Argentina



How to Cite

Fernández, S. I. (2014). Biographical narrative and motivation learning Why motivation and how to understand it? (Part II). Tramas/Maepova, 1(2), 49–61. Retrieved from